Author Topic: The Transhuman Agenda  (Read 11424 times)

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Schwann, Schwann_Cybershaman

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The Transhuman Agenda
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:10:07 PM »
The Transhuman Agenda

Freedom, not fear!

Democracy, not dictatorship!

Food, not famine!

Celebratory gunfire!

Welcome to the future. Amongst many of the ambient factors we're now living with; like the Arab Spring, global warming, overpopulation and the daily extinction of species, Transhumanism (H+) is an elitist social faction born from the silent screams of billions of cyperpunks who once believed that technology could improve mankind. Meantime, Tyrants have fallen; Tipping points are rife and Entropy remains ruthless. It's more than half-way through 2011 and the ramp to the apocalypse, or singularity, has already begun.

You might as well have been captured by an alien with a time machine because it wasn't that long ago, less than twenty years, that Transhumans were united in believing that the net bound humanity together in some inexplicable way. How little we've changed, a society that still believes machines can solve problems, like the 'The Eschaton', the 26,000 year Mayan Long Count, The Apocalypse, Nostradamus, or the end of Kali Yuga. The winter solstice on Friday 21st December 2012 is not being sold or marketed as just any solstice. It's the Great Solstice, source of all solstices and all equinoxes. According to some enraptured evangelists, 21.12.2012 is about apocalypse and ascension. The end of the world is coming, a comprehensive destruction of everything we hold dear. Life as we know it will end and the winter sun of 2012 will usher us into 72 days of 'upheavals', during which time will have no meaning and chaos will reign before the cavalry arrive and a 'new order', of some kind, is installed.

Yes folks, it's going to be destruction in the vein of Noah, or at the very least, Atlantis.

Are we thus Neanderthals, dying out before the arrival of proto-humanity?

Will we leave behind the brutalities of Kali and birth a tribe of humans who will thrive on a quest for a Golden age of man? Maybe we've already been born; we who read the same book; we who think the same thoughts; we who seek the same justice, the same fair deal. Social networking continues to be the glue which binds global consciousness to the Arab Uprising, Nuclear Safety issues, ecological devastation, Earth changing natural events, or whatever you think is of the utmost importance. Back in the moment, whatever happens next year, the future isn't written, at least not on any kind of a personal level. I believe that the quality and security of your life depends on everything I've written or I wouldn't have written it, but all I know about 2012, right now, is that it's definitely coming and everything is speeding up. According to the PopClock, the World's Population right now is 6,92 billion. For 2012, its projected to be 7,3 billion.

I predict that, at that time, a whole new generation will be born, a generation of (H+) who will already be encoded with the latest in Spirituality, Art, Science, Philosophy; and for whom even physical Biology is within range as the global mind strives to reformulate human priorities for an age of reason, or thus spaek the legend.

H+, or >H, as it is sometimes written, is for everyone who can understand what it means to be linked by cell phone, tablet or PC, which is a lot of us, as you've probably noticed. The H+ Generation is busy overcoming our biological limitations through science, technology and also innovation. Prosthesis and implant will be the way forward as the H+ Generation seeks mood enhancement and intelligence augmentation, along with increased strength and beauty, of course. The ability to leave the planet and seed colonies on other planets, to explore the universe, are goals that every H+ student will acknowledge, goals that will also require extreme life extension.

But if we succeed in becoming demi-Gods, us Posthumans will easily identify the same problems we've got right now. Let's hope we're up to the challenge.

Schwann Cybershaman

[Originally written for and published by Humanity+ Magazine]

Copyright All Media 2011 Schwann Cybershaman

Source: The Transhuman Agenda



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