Author Topic: OmniBus for UFOs - Conspiracy Theory BANNED by ATS and GLP Have your say here.  (Read 25315 times)

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There have been a lot of comments and mail regarding this episode. It's unfortunate that we don't get enough comments here on the forum..
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 08:51:24 PM by cognition »

Offline awwwsnap

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Re: OmniBus for UFOs - Conspiracy Theory - Have your say here...
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 08:35:11 AM »
Interestingly enough, all this alien stuff has become much more mainstream since Terence's demise.  I truly wonder what he would say about a lot of things now.  Could it be a conspiracy within a conspiracy?!  We keep being distracted looking for aliens in the physical sense because any mainstream information about aliens depicts them as physical beings from another planet.  Again, all of this is much more prevalent in the mainstream now, than it was in the past.

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Re: OmniBus for UFOs - Conspiracy Theory - Have your say here...
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 08:45:24 PM »
Yeh, it's making a comeback in 2012, with the Lightworkers going into a frenzy trying to bring down heaven (and hell), but what's even more amazing,
is the fact that Conspiracy Theory - about UFOlogists, Conspiracy fanatics, and the art of witnessing, has been banned by Above Top Secret and Godlike
Productions, sites that purport to distribute relevant information on those subjects, so I assume that they're in cahoots and/or sock puppets for the
establishment...I got really dismissive posts from Mark W. Allin, basically 'the boss' of ATS, telling me that the Mckenna clip 'wasn't worth the trouble',
and that it 'violated' their charter. I mean, if Scientific American could laud the series, then what the hell is going on because it seems like everything
has been turned upside down when science and Terence start shaking hands. I've subsequently read on various forums about ATS's takeover by
Government geeks, and it seems that GLP have gone the same way.
Basically, this all shows that "Conspiracy Theory" needs to be propagated 'at large', so I'm asking everyone to fire all torpedos on this one.

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Interesting proposal about the Gov't taking over here.  I have noticed an increase of nations around the world controlling(or trying to) the internet.  It is my personal opinion that the smart control would be a slight censorship like you are saying, but we also see entire countries falling out of cyberspace.  Recently Libia, for example, was completely shut off from the internet by its government.  Presumably with such contrast in internet control, I'm really not sure what can be done... Let us hope the changes in December are not a mere fairytale.  God help us if it is.

More to the point, can you list communities that are not turning you(and Terence) away?  It may just give us an idea on how to progress one way or another!

Offline cognition

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Syria got closed down the other day. I saw it on Twitter from some Anon sysop.
"More to the point, can you list communities that are not turning you(and Terence) away?  It may just give us an idea on how to progress one way or another!"
I like the way you think! OK, REDDIT is friendly, Evolver is neutral, and ATS sux:)
But Scientific American thinks we rock! There are also a few UFO sites that didn't ban me..
Ok, here are some links if u wanna go x-pollinate -

and for some real UFO leads/questions/weirdness, def check this out



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