Author Topic: Time Travelling Transhumans (T3)  (Read 11888 times)

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Time Travelling Transhumans (T3)
« on: November 11, 2021, 08:45:28 PM »
Time Travelling Transhumans (T3)

Title: Time Travelling Transhumans (T3)          

            Time is always in the present, because the moment in which you read this is in the past and the future is only a figment of your imagination so regard the present with nostalgia knowing that a millisecond away, in the future, exists thoughts to think. Welcome to the mode of neural text, reverse causality, non-locality and quantum entanglement where the traveller is the journey into entropy; a world in transition; after 9/11, after the oil spill, after the economic meltdown, after the tsunami, after Fukushima, after Gaddafi, after 21st Century melancholia upholstered by anti-psychotic drugs help us forget ?the good old days? because it?s business as usual for the 1%, so what were you doing on the 29th Oct 2011, when Japanese IT expert, Shigeru Kondo, successfully calculated the ten trillionth digit of Pi?
            OK, so we've advanced mathematically but would you trust an algorithm to predict the future?
            Christopher Ahlberg, CEO Of Recorded Future, states that his mission is to; ?Record and analyze all that is known about the future, and make it available for analysis"
            He doesn't see an 'open source' version of the program being released anytime soon. They're funded by the CIA so what do you expect? Can?t wait to see how it all works out, but if you'd told your psychiatrist back in 1900 that this stuff was going to happen he'd have had you committed to an insane asylum.
            2012 is in place. Eternity is setting in.   
            Plato reputedly created the concept of forever, the summation of all our yesterdays, today's and tomorrow's. He also surmised that eternity may be the point at which past present and future collide. I wonder how he'd feel about Recorded Futures or the Webbot Project, a rival algorithm to  Christopher Ahlberg's, created by Clif High and associate George Ure, aka 'The Time Monks' who claim to have discovered a "data gap" in 2012 running through May 2013. According to the Webbot Project coded by the Time Monks, this (probably) means that a Solarstorm event, equivalent to a global EMP strike, will take place in the near future.
            In case you're wondering what 'regular' science has to say about what's happening, the latest data from The K7RA Solar Update reveals that, in 2011, we only had 2 days with 0 sunspots.
            In 2010 we had 51 spotless days.
            In 2009 we had 260 spotless days.
            It's acknowledged that sunspot activity is on the rise and expected to peak in August to October 2012, so keep a grab bag handy in case you get knocked back to a pre-electronic state but grab bags are a whole subject of their own, so let's swing with some positive predictions instead. For example, Time Monk technology has also advised that a benign form of capitalism is scheduled to emerge during 2017-2020, if we make it that far.
            Disclaimer: Such algorithm technology is secret because their predictions are sold via their website so it's probably just about money, but keep an eye on it, just in case. I've been in touch with Clifford High and maybe there'll be an interview with him later in 2012, meantime take a deep breath because it's still about Corporations Vs. The Rest and our interface to the Internet could be defined as a negative or positive attitude to a bundled moment of past present and future.
            If that seems a bit complicated don't worry, philosophers and sages have been arguing over the nature of time since it was first unravelled, way back. Comparatively recently, the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, b. 1788, d. 1860, taught a pessimistic view of existence which placed emphasis on human will instead of intellect.
            He proposed that; "- life is broken up into Day and Night by sleep, for if there was no sleep then living would become unbearable in its simultaneous deployment".
            It's as well Schopenhauer is not around to see humanity getting closer to a 24 hour existence. The Network allows us to partake of time to the fullest so that, somewhere, somehow, someone will crack the code of our prime paradigm, space-time. X-Post the source-code when you do, bearing in mind that most of our current technology hadn't been predicted by scientists at the beginning of the last century.
            It's an interesting analogy to view ourselves stepping bravely into the future, knowing that one day others will look back and compare us with themselves, so go ahead, imagine a world where your personal electronic slave is a doorway to enhanced intelligence. Imagine a world where images are transmitted into homes all over the world linked by a network of mechanical drones orbiting the planet. Imagine pills that manipulate reproduction, or genetically altered crops which could either save, or kill us. On the other side of a membrane soon-to-be-pierced by genetic engineering, H+ man will emerge complete with wireless implant and wrist jacks but whatever we're going to look like we'll be able to access vast 3d simulacrums of imaginary realities, so imagine cloning yourself, uploading your mind and living forever.
            Life on Earth is fast becoming anthropogenic.
            Excuse me, my time machine is waiting.

            Schwann Cybershaman
Copyright all media Mike (Schwann Cybershaman) Kawitzky 2012

Source: Time Travelling Transhumans (T3)



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